May 27, 2012

Wildlife Galleries Of My Past

While digging through some old photos looking for reference for my next painting, I came across some photos of me and my paintings in art galleries that I thought might be interesting to share.

The first gallery I was with was the Parkhurst Art Galleries in San Pedro, CA, representing the wonderful seascapes of Violet Parkhurst, now sadly deceased. She was a wonderful lady giving a young unknown artist like myself a chance by sharing a corner of her gallery with me.

It was a good first step and I'm grateful she gave me that opportunity. I did sell a few paintings through her gallery. However, since the gallery focused mainly on clientele interested in seascapes, it was not the ideal gallery for my wildlife art. A better opportunity soon came along. Artworks, Etc. in Fountain Valley focused exclusively on wildlife and western art. It was the perfect place for my art. The gallery owner and staff did a great job of promoting my art and my paintings sold very well there. I had a hard time keeping up supplying them with new paintings. What more could a new artist ask for!?

I worked with Artworks, Etc. for several years. It was a great gallery to work with. Unfortunately for me, the gallery owner retired and the gallery closed. Ah well, we had a great run! Time to move on.

So now, here I am, seeking a new gallery, hoping I can find one as wonderful to work with as the previous galleries. If you know of any galleries looking for another wildlife artist send them my way! :)

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