May 31, 2012

Chickadee Painting Revision

Another "finished" painting I decided to go back revise, a painting of the chickadee. This was not so dramatic a revision as the previous one, the impala painting. But I think it still had a significant impact. Here's the original:

The background was a little too barren in the original version. The idea behind the orange colors was to convey the feeling of autumn. But, without an clear indication, it could just as easily be a forest fire! Haha! It needed a little detail to bring out the fact that it's autumn in the scene. The addition of a few vine maple leaves helped convey this as well as add some visual interest to the upper corner that was pretty plain and uninteresting before. I think it also helped balance the "weight" of the painting. What do you think?


  1. Loved it without the leaves - then when I saw it with the leaves - loved it even more!

  2. E' u n lavoro molto ben fatto ,io preferisco la versione originale perchè le foglie di vite tolgono equilibrio al quadro e distolgono dal soggetto principale.
    complimenti,ciao gloria

  3. This is beautiful, I love painting birds and drawing them in ink, such detailed and close rendering, its excellent! :)

  4. Your nice picture of chickadee,improve much beter with the leaves of maple, without these leaves, give the impression to be an animal portrait.Salutations!.
