Apr 28, 2012

Site Update and New Print Service

I've recently updated my website, as some of you may have noticed. I added more menu options to make it easier to navigate, I hope. You can browse by subject, look at just prints, or view only originals for sale. I've also switched my print service from ImageKind to Fine Art America. Not that there was anything wrong with ImageKind's print quality. It was excellent. I've just decided that FAA offers a better preview quality of the artwork, has better community interaction, and an interface that's easier to use for both seller and buyer. The good news for you is that FAA also gives me the opportunity to offer you more size options on some images. If your order a print from FAA I'd love to hear how your purchase experience was. Please let me know. You can leave a comment here or email me at ForestStudios@Yahoo.com.

Apr 23, 2012

A New Start

It's been a while since I posted last. A lot has been going on. During the winter we bought a new house, sold our other one, and I've been busy with all that goes with that, moving, and getting settled in the new place. I was also busy at work and was working longer hours. Not much time for painting in the last several months. But that all changed on April 2. The company I was working for shut down. Everyone was laid off, including myself. This is not necessarily a bad thing. I've been wanting to get back to doing my wildlife art full-time for a long time but had a hard time justifying leaving a good paying job to go back to being what most view as a "starving artist". How do you tell people you want to quit a good paying job with benefits to struggle to make half as much money doing art, with no benefits? There's a lot of social/societal pressure, as well as one's own financial fears, to keep the "secure" day job. Well, my day job wasn't so secure after all, was it? So now I'm at a cross roads and I intend to get back on the road I detoured from years ago, the road of being a full-time wildlife artist. So you should all see a lot more activity on this blog, and more new paintings, in the coming months. Wish me luck! :)