Apr 23, 2012

A New Start

It's been a while since I posted last. A lot has been going on. During the winter we bought a new house, sold our other one, and I've been busy with all that goes with that, moving, and getting settled in the new place. I was also busy at work and was working longer hours. Not much time for painting in the last several months. But that all changed on April 2. The company I was working for shut down. Everyone was laid off, including myself. This is not necessarily a bad thing. I've been wanting to get back to doing my wildlife art full-time for a long time but had a hard time justifying leaving a good paying job to go back to being what most view as a "starving artist". How do you tell people you want to quit a good paying job with benefits to struggle to make half as much money doing art, with no benefits? There's a lot of social/societal pressure, as well as one's own financial fears, to keep the "secure" day job. Well, my day job wasn't so secure after all, was it? So now I'm at a cross roads and I intend to get back on the road I detoured from years ago, the road of being a full-time wildlife artist. So you should all see a lot more activity on this blog, and more new paintings, in the coming months. Wish me luck! :)

1 comment:

  1. All the best Crisa! Looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful artwork!
