Oct 23, 2018

Time To Bring Our Girl Home ... Almost

So, the puppies were going on 8 weeks old and we were so excited and running around getting things ready. Puppy proofing the house. Getting new chew toys, puppy collar and leash, food, and a big bottle of Petzyme! We were just about ready for our new green collar girl to come home.

Then, just days before we were going to pick her up we got some bad news. We were not the first on the list to get a puppy and the person who got first pick chose "our" green collar girl! We knew we were second on the list but, with 6 puppies to choose from, we figured the odds were good that the first person would pick one of the other 5 puppies. But, no. Of all the puppies, they took the green collar girl. I was in tears. What now? :(