Aug 10, 2018

The Life of a Labrador Retriever

I stopped blogging about my art and products because, frankly, no one seemed to be interested in posts of just new art, and new product featuring my art. Successful art blogs teach art style and techniques and, honestly, I'm no good at giving art instruction. I'm really not even sure myself how or why I do what I do with my art.

So, I'm switching to something more widely appealing for a while ... puppies!

We lost our beloved Labrador Retriever of nearly 14 years, Hannah, in August of 2017. I was absolutely devastated. I loved her more than I'd ever imagined I could love any animal, and I'd had many dogs, cats, and horses throughout my life. But Hannah had found a way to burrow into my heart like no other. I remember previous pets but I don't miss them. I will miss Hannah with all my heart until the day I die. She was a special and beautiful soul.

But, this blog won't be about Hannah and my grief over her loss. It will be about the new fur babies that have entered my life. I will introduce the first one in my next blog post. For now, I just want to say RIP Dear Hannah. I will love and miss you always!

RIP Hannah
Nov 25, 2003 - Aug 1, 2017

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