Jan 24, 2017

Deer Painting - Fawn WIP

Work-in-progress of a whitetail fawn in a digital deer painting I'm doing. Here I'm just sharing the initial block in of colors and shading. This looks a bit like a paint-by-number at this pointing. First, the whole fawn. Then a close-up of a blocked in area.

Next post I'll start blending the different shades with m fur brush.

Jan 23, 2017

New Birds and Fountain Painting

I am already looking forward to spring! My first painting of the year is of a spring garden with birds around a water fountain style bird bath.

You may recognize the bird bath from a painting I did a couple years back, shown below. Since these are digital paintings I will admit I reused the water feature. But I did change its color a bit, and everything else in the scene is different. Instead of purple clematis clinging to the fence, I now have cosmos flowers among the daisies around the fountain. Instead of a "spear" style picket fence I now have a Gothic style. The bluebirds and goldfinches are in different positions, and I've added three black-capped chickadee and a male red cardinal. The background is also different, with a softer look to give more depth of field. So, overall it has the same feel but is very different in many ways.

I've actually had some people say they do not like bluebird landing on the fountain in the old painting. I'm not sure what it is about the bird that bothers people. Perhaps the wide wing spread and feet extended give people the feel of an eagle or hawk about to land on its prey, so perhaps there's a subconscious negative connotation there. I personally love seeing birds in flight. Their wings are so beautiful, especially when the light from above shines through them, giving them a heavenly glow. But, if that's not your thing, there's now a new version where all the birds are just sitting and quietly socializing in the warm spring sunshine. :)

There are, as usual, prints and other products available featuring this new artwork. Visit my Pixels site for fine art prints and greeting cards. Visit my Zazzle store for other products, all of which can be personalized to make unique gifts. Below are a few sample products including a throw pillow, shower curtain, tote bag, bath mat, and wall clock. See more products here.