Oct 21, 2016

Texas State Bird & Flower Artwork Finished

The Texas state bird is the mockingbird, and the state flower is the Texas Bluebonnet, also known as the blue lupine. 

In a previous blog post I shared my progress on my Texas state bird and flower illustration. In this first image below I've made more progress on it, shading in the colored areas. But the outline is still a harsh black.

In the second image is my finished artwork. Here I've thinned the outlines a bit and colored them to match the colored regions.

 As I mentioned in my California state bird and flower blog post, this is a style often used in traditional 2D animation films that helps soften the outlines and give the artwork a more elegant and sophisticated look. Here's a detail closeup giving you a better look at the outlines.

I'm currently adding this image to products like t-shirts and will post again soon to share some of those products with you.

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