May 26, 2014


It's been a while since I posted. It's not that I haven't been creating more art. Quite the opposite. I've been busy trying to get a new painting done for licensing. Speaking of licensing, THE big art licensing trade show, SURTEX, took place last week. My licensing agency, Art Licensing, attended and had a booth space there as they do every year. I was pleased to see they used a couple of my artwork images on their booth display panels. Art Licensing represents 400 artists with a combined total of about 100,000 images. I am honored that they chose two of my images out of all those to be used on their limited booth panel space. I'd say that means they think highly of my work and are working hard to promote it, and I appreciate that.

Here are the images used as well as pictures of the booth panels. The first image is my bald eagle painting, Morning Quest.

Here's the booth panel image. Can you find my eagle painting in the picture below?

Next up is my Apple Harvest Chickadees painting under the Fall Holidays section of the panel.

 I'm told by Art Licensing that the show was a great success. So I hope that means more product licensing contracts for my art will be coming soon! I'll keep you posted here and on Facebook and Twitter.

Special thanks to Syrena O'Neil at Art Licensing for taking these photos and sharing them.

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