Jun 27, 2013

Little Cowgirl WIP

WIP - Something different for me ... a human! 

I've been enjoying painting horses lately. So far my horses have been riderless. 

I'm currently working on this painting of a young cowgirl and want to call it something like "Waiting for Pa", showing a young girl eager to get started herding cattle (there will be cattle in the distance) and waiting impatiently for her dad to arrive. The setting is maybe eastern Wyoming or Colorado or something like that. Not being a cowgirl myself, or from that region, I'm trying to decide what term to use for "dad" here. What would be the best term for "dad" in that region? Would a little cowgirl call her dad "pa" or "pop" or "pappy" or "dad" or "father" or .... something else there? 

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