Jun 12, 2013

Dressage Horse Portrait

I've been distracted from my 60 paintings project by horses. Now that spring is rolling into summer, the local Hollywood Hill Saddle Club has been hosting gaming events, dressage competitions, and English and Western shows. I've been busy getting out there taking lots of photos to use for paintings. Here's a painting I did from a photo I took at a recent dressage show.

8"x10" oil on Gessobord

I've been enjoying painting horses lately, especially dark horses, because of the shine on their coats. It's challenging but also fun, and very satisfying when I get it right. And I just love the looks of that sheen!

Notice I changed the copyright/website info. ForestStudios.com is a site I've had since the days of the dinosaurs. But several years ago I got another domain name that was more descriptive of my main focus, wildlife art. While we could argue that horses can be considered wildlife if they are wild horses, the horses I have been painting lately, with bit and bridle, are obviously not wild. So I decided to move my equine-themed art over to my old ForestStudios.com site and keep my ForestWildlifeArt.com site more focused on wildlife. What do you think? Should I keep them together and just add a "horses" category to my "wildlife" art? Or should I keep them separate?


  1. This a beautiful, I have recently taken an interest horse
    pictures and paintings having a close young lady in our
    family that seems to be doing well in horse jumping,she
    has her own horse. Thought I would paint her!!!
    a lot kmore to it than I ever thought. Congratulations
    on your work The Freisian too is magnificent.
