Mar 1, 2013

Miniature Painting - No 30 - Monarch Butterfly

A new milestone! My 30th miniature painting! Almost all of the 30 mini paintings done so far have been sold. I hope you're all enjoying your paintings and are looking forward to seeing what's next. I don't always know myself what the next one will be until I sit down at the easel. :)

Today's painting is the majestic monarch butterfly. This would be nice paired with the previous butterfly painting I did, the swallowtail.

The monarch butterfly lives all over the United States, southern Canada, and Mexico. Because it migrates with the seasons it can be seen more in the southern regions in the winter and the northern regions in the summer. It's the most popular state butterfly, being the official state butterfly for Alabama, Idaho, Illinois, Minnesota, Texas, Vermont, and West Virginia. So if you live in one of these states perhaps it would make a nice conversation piece. Do you also know the state animal, flower, and bird for your state?

In this painting the butterfly is facing to the right whereas the previous butterfly is facing left. It really doesn't matter, though. Notice I put my signature in the corner at an angle. I did this so you can rotate the paintings 90ยบ and have them face whichever way you prefer. If you collect both butterfly paintings perhaps you want them both facing the same direction, or maybe have them facing each other. Your choice.

 6"x6" oil on Gessobord

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