Feb 2, 2013

Miniature Painting - No 26 - Great Blue Heron

More miniature wildlife paintings on the way! My little junco painting sold the other day so it's time for another bird painting. Here's a great blue heron for all you bird lovers out there.

 6"x6" oil on Gessobord
Original: SOLD

I took the reference photo for this guy at at Juanita Bay Park in Kirkland, WA. He (she?) was amazing to watch. When I first got there he was standing on a log by the water. He slowly waded out into the shallows and started fishing. He was so good at it he made it look ridiculously easy. He would take a few very slow steps, stop, then after a pause, stab! Fish down the hatch! He'd take a few more steps, pause, stab! He came up with a fish every time. He never missed! How he managed to get a fish every single time was amazing. He was one deadly predator. I was in awe of his skill, but couldn't help but feel a little sorry for those poor fish who seem to have no chance against him. A truly amazing bird to see in action!