Feb 12, 2013

Gratitude - My Country!

They say it's good for your mood, and even your physical health, to stop from time to time and be grateful for things in your life. Today, I was thinking about this country, the United States of America, and how grateful I am to live here. No, this isn't about politics, freedom ... or gun rights!
This is about the land! The amazing natural beauty and biodiversity all within one country. There is so much natural beauty here. So much wildlife to see and enjoy! But it's not just for the wildlife. It's also for the people who live. There's every place a person could want here.

Don't like the cold? Want a warm sunny resort? Move to Florida!

 Don't like the heat? Want to get far away from civilization? Move to Alaska!

 There are so many choices. From the arctic circle in Alaska to the tropical climate of Florida, from the mountains of Colorado to the deserts of Arizona, there's something for everyone. How many other countries have all that variety within their borders? Very few!
I'm not saying this to brag. But as a wildlife artist, this diversity also means there's habitat for so many kinds of wildlife to see ... and paint! How can I not be grateful for that?!


  1. Enjoying your site. You are lucky to be living in the USA with all the different animals and birdlife. I live in New Zealand and so only have birds to paint if I stuck to my own country , although we too have a mix of landscapes to enjoy , if on a smaller scale. We even have a desert of sorts in the middle of the North Island lol.

  2. Enjoying your site. You are lucky to be living in the USA with all the different animals and birdlife. I live in New Zealand and so only have birds to paint if I stuck to my own country , although we too have a mix of landscapes to enjoy , if on a smaller scale. We even have a desert of sorts in the middle of the North Island lol.
