Jan 18, 2013

How to Paint a Waterfall Scene

I've been working on this waterfall painting for a while, as some of you may know. I finally finished! A while back it was a toss-up between putting deer or wolves in the scene. I decided to go with deer because the scene seemed so peaceful and tranquil that deer just suited it better than wolves. Not to fear, however! I already have another wolf painting in the works! But, for now it's deer.

I thought you might enjoy seeing the painting in different stages of progress to see how I work. I can't say there's any scientific method to how I do my paintings. I just sort of go with what I'm in the mood for that day. In some images you'll see more work was done on rocks, in others more work is done on trees, in others more work is done on water. It was really just whatever I felt like working on that day.

I'm only posting a few images here because there are a lot. At the bottom of the post I've added a link to Youtube. I posted a video there that consists of about 20 images at various stages in the progress of the work. I hope you will find it interesting and helpful if you should decide to do a waterfall painting yourself. Feel free to ask questions and leave comments about the images and video!

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