Aug 11, 2012

Hollywood Hill Saddle Club English Horse Show

No, not Hollywood, CA. Hollywood Hill is a neighborhood of Woodinville, WA, a suburb about 20-30 minutes outside Seattle. Parts of Woodinville are still somewhat rural with lots of horse property. In the "Hollywood Hill" area of Woodinville they have a pretty well-organized Saddle Club that puts on horse shows and events nearly every weekend.

Today I attended their English show in order to take some reference photos of for possible horse paintings.

I took a lot of pictures, but not many came out well. Good thing I'm a better artist than photographer! lol
Anyway, I picked out a few of the better shots and I thought I'd share some of them with you today.

I liked this (above) shot for the pose and expression. The horse seems relaxed, and the rider cheerful.

This image I liked for its sheer beauty. Both horse and rider are just wonderful to look at.

Another beautiful duo. I have a thing for dark horses. I love the way their dark coat shines in the sun and shows the ripples of their muscles. The rider also has a lovely, cheerful expression.

Another lovely horse and rider team, well-balanced and moving confidently.

Again, another dark horse that appealed to me for her lovely coat sheen. She was also well-mannered and moved beautifully.

This photo I liked just for the lighting and expression. The alertness of the horse, and the lovely side lighting were nice. I also liked the expression of the rider as she waited in anticipation for the announcement of the competition results.

Oh, being around horses today brought back a lot of memories from my horsey days! I'll have to share some of my horse ownership adventures with you in future posts!

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