Aug 2, 2009

Wildlife Photo Shoot

I recently came back from a wildlife photography workshop with Paul Burwell at the Triple D Game Farm in Kalispell, MT. Other than having to get up at 4:30AM (ugh) every day, it was lots of fun and I got some great shots that are going to make some nice paintings. I got photos of a Canadian lynx, baby bobcat, foxes, coyotes, wolf, black bear, cougar, baby raccoon, river otter, and an absolutely magnificent Siberian tiger. I took about 2,000 pictures! Not being an expert photographer, they aren't all usable, but I have more than enough good ones to keep me painting for a few years. Now the hard part is going to be trying to decide which to paint first!

Jun 5, 2009

Call of the Wild

I haven't posted for a long time. With the economic downturn and the closing of Wildlife Art Magazine, the life of a wildlife artist has become discouraging. My art has temporarily taken a back burner. I haven't given up on it, but in light of the situation other things have taken priority.

It won't stay that way forever, however. Every day my canvases and paints call to me as I walk past my open art room door, and every day their calls get louder. Sooner or later I won't be able to ignore them any more.