Jul 30, 2007

Penguins, Polar Bears, and Global Warming

If you liked the movie March of the Penguins you might be interested to know about another film by the same team called Arctic Tale coming out next month that I just recently found out about. I really enjoyed their other films so I'm definitely be looking forward to this one!

"This summer, from National Geographic Films and Paramount Classics—the team who brought you March of the Penguins and An Inconvenient Truth—comes Arctic Tale. Narrated by Queen Latifah, this inspiring documentary chronicles the epic journey of a walrus pup and a polar bear cub in the icy world at the top of the Earth. The film highlights the beauty of the far north and the urgent danger its animals face as their habitat continues to vanish.

"In conjunction with the release of Arctic Tale, Paramount Classics has created an Arctic Fund to support four organizations working to protect the Arctic and its inhabitants. The Wildlife Conservation Society is proud to be among those chosen to share in a portion of the movie’s box office sales.

"Arctic Tale opens in New York on July 25 and nationwide on August 17. For more information about the film, visit www.ArcticTaleMovie.com"

It's amazing to me how many people still believe that global warming is not an issue despite all the signs such as wild weather patterns, glacial meltings, and rising sea levels. I hope films like these will do more to raise awareness that global warming is a real issue we need to start adressing right now, before it's too late.

Find out more about global warming at the Union of Concerned Scientists website.

1 comment:

  1. I bet that will be a wonderful movie! Saw your request on blogger forum for link exchange. I'd be happy to! Let me know.

