Dec 4, 2015

Digital Deer and Maple Tree Painting - Finished!

I actually finished this painting about a week ago with some recent health issues I wasn't feeling much like blogging. But I'm feeling better now, so I should be back to blogging more often.

So here's the completed painting.

This digital image is huge at 80"x80". The nice thing about digital painting vs real oil painting is that size doesn't matter as far as completion time. An 80"x80" physical canvas would take me months to fill. But on the computer screen an 80"x80" doesn't take any longer to complete than a 20"x20". This is a big advantage in that I can use this image on very large items, such as this shower curtain, and it will still look good. Even close up the image will be crisp and detailed.
 Click here to purchase a shower curtain.

I've already added this image to a lot of products. Besides the shower curtain above, I've added it to all the products available from including the usual art prints, throw pillows, tote bags, t-shirts, and duvet covers. A few items are shown here.

There are lots of other size, style, and color options for the shirts. The other products also have several size options to choose from.

As usual, in addition to those items above from, I have many more items available featuring this image in my Zazzle Store.

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