Nov 21, 2013

Time for Something Personal - Shampoo!

OK, I hear some say that people like to get to know the artist, not just their art. They like to know about the artist personally, on a level that has nothing to do with their painting inspirations or methods. Is that true? Well, let's give it a shot. Here is something personal about me that has nothing whatsoever to do with art.

I hate to sound like an infomercial but I love this shampoo!

I have fine, curly hair. Most people think that curly hair would be a wonderful thing to have but, in reality, it's a nightmare. It doesn't just lie there in pretty curls, like Goldilocks. It frizzes any chance it gets. I spend most of my hair-life trying not to look like a cave woman. My hair frizzes if it's raining, windy, hot, or humid. If you even look at it cross-eyed it will poof out like a dandelion gone to seed! I have tried all sorts of anti-frizz shampoos, conditioners, mousses, gels, and sprays. Even the famous "Frizz-eaze" line of products. All disappointing. Until I discovered this. After using this, my hair is actually smooth and manageable, and has distinctive shiny locks and strands. I'm amazed. Really, this is not an ad. I get nothing from promoting this product. I'm just sharing this for the other curly-haired people out there who are fed up trying to find a solution to their frizz problems. Let me know if it works for you!

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