Oct 28, 2013

To Vignette or Not?

As you may have seen from some previous posts, I've been doing some dressage horse portraits recently. I am working on another horse painting in my series of dressage horses and I'm trying to decide if I should do it vignette style or not. Here are a couple previous horse paintings I did, the first one with a vignette, the other without. I'd be interested in knowing which style you like better. Should I do my next painting with our without vignette?


  1. Hi Crista,

    I really like the 2nd one much better, but I am a little biased against vignettes. I feel like the soul of the person or animal is captured when the portrait is "grounded", and in a vignette, they look as though they are floating and unfinished.

  2. I agree 100%, vignettes tend to look unfinished and perhaps unrefined.

  3. Yes, I think maybe you're right. I think I like the solid one a bit better too.
