Jan 30, 2013

Miniature Painting - No 25 - Alaska Moose

This is something a little different in my miniature paintings project. I had the idea of doing a series of state maps with the state mammal symbol superimposed over the map. The colors of the map would relate to the colors of the state flag. In the first one here I used Alaska and its state animal, the moose, with blue and gold, colors relating to the state flag.

 5"x7" oil on Gessobord
Original: SOLD

It would be fun to do more states but, unfortunately, this took about twice as long to do as the previous paintings this size. The time extra it takes to add the map is considerable isn't really worth it for a painting this size. I may do some more state map mini paintings eventually, but for now they're on the back burner. I'm open to requests, though. If you'd like to see one of your state contact me and we can discuss it.

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