Nov 9, 2012

Miniature Painting - Painting No 5 - Cougar

Miniature painting number 5, a cougar (or puma or mountain lion, if you prefer) looking over a cliff.

 Mountain Lion No1
5"x7" oil on Gessobord
Original: SOLD

This is probably my first cougar painting. I've painted other big cats before, a few tigers, and a couple African lions. But I don't think I've done a mountain lion before. That's one nice thing about doing all these little mini paintings. Because I can do one in a day I get to do a lot more paintings and paint a lot more subjects. When I'm done with my 60 paintings I'll have a better idea of which subjects are more fun to do and will probably do a few larger ones of those subjects.

The reference photo for this painting was taken at the Triple D Game farm in Kalispell, MT when I took a wildlife photography workshop there a couple years ago. They have a lot of beautiful animals there and it's not like photographing in a zoo. The animals are taken out to natural settings for you. Their handlers encourage them to run and play and stalk and chase lures so you can get some great photos of wild animals moving and behaving naturally. If you ever get the chance to take a workshop there I highly recommend it.

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