Oct 30, 2012

Miniature Painting - Painting No 1 - Deer

This is something I've been working on for a while but just blogged about. I want to do a series of miniature paintings.

I have been told by numerous people, including experienced gallery owners, that my paintings are priced too low. I need to raise the prices. But I don't want to do that just yet. I want to keep them affordable for anyone for a while. Along the lines of the a-painting-a-day idea, I want to do miniature paintings to sell at affordable prices. These paintings are not true miniatures but will normally be either 5"x7" or 6"x6 in size.

To start off here's is a Columbian Blacktail buck. I took the reference photo for this painting while visiting Astoria, Oregon, a couple years ago. I'd gone to see the Astoria Column, which has an amazing view of Columnia River gorge, and the deer were wandering the grassy areas around the park.

Part of the reason I'm doing these smaller works is to "loosen up" and try not to obsess over fine detail. This buck is an example of a looser, more "painterly" work.

(Update: Sold 10/31)

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