Aug 19, 2012

New "Brush the Dog" Painting

Here's a new fun little painting I did today. No, this is not a picture of me working on a dog painting. The paint brush is actually part of the painting!

I came across a photo of my sweet yellow Labrador retriever, Hannah, the other day. I don't remember exactly what she was doing in the photo. She had her nose in the air, maybe sniffing something interesting. But, to me, it looked like she was stretching out because she was enjoying a good chin or back scratch. I liked the angle and pose, so I wanted to paint it. It wasn't the typical "pet portrait' view. But what to do with it? Well, since she looked like she was enjoying a good scratch she needed something to scratch her, so I got the idea of having the paint brush stroking her back, and it became part of the painting.

"Brushing the Dog"

6"x6" oil on Gessobord

(Available for purchase here)

Ooooh, doesn't that feel soooo good! You can tell she's loving it, can't you? Haha!

When I was almost done with this piece I sort of liked the way it looked with a bit missing in the lower corner so I stopped there. Leaving it unfinished emphasized the idea that the dog was actually being painted by the brush in the image.

What do you think? Should I have finished that lower corner or not?

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