Jul 6, 2012

Art Runs In The Family

Because of the holiday it's been a few days since I got any painting done. On the 4th I spent the day at a friend's house having some good food, good conversation, and good wine. Can't complain about that! :)

On the 5th relatives from out of town came over. More good food, good conversation. But instead of good wine, we had good art. My sister, and two of my nephews, are also artists. My nephew brought me some prints of his recent works. I love them! Take a look. He has a much more "imaginative" approach to wildlife art I'd say!

He didn't tell me what they're called so I'll just call this one "Whale fishing".

This one I'll call "Elephant Tree" I guess.

Very creative stuff!

But that's not all. My other nephew is also an artist. Here's a mural he did.

Then, of course, is my sister. Hers is a more whimsical style she uses for children's book illustration.

Here's her recent book, We Eat Food That's Fresh:

To see more of their work visit their websites:

Sam Arneson's Art
Dominic Arneson's Art
Cathy Arneson's Art

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