Deer are one of my most favorite animals. I've loved them since I first saw Bambi as a child. I drew a million pictures of them as a child with anything I could get my hands on, crayons, chalk, whatever. So, I naturally have "cute deer" radar. I love pictures of cute deer, especially fawns, so when I saw this I just went nuts. OMG! I've seen a lot of cute deer pictures but this has to be one of the cutest fawn pictures I have ever seen. Don't you just want to grab it and hug it?!
I came across this image on a FaceBook post. Unfortunately, as is the way with Facebook, few people who share images bother to say where they got them, or give credit to the artist or photographer. I would really like to know who took this picture so I can give them credit. If you have any idea who the photographer is, please let me know!
Save the image on your computer, go to google image search and drag it in to the search will find the image for you :)