Aug 7, 2007

Dazzle Your Snail Mail with Zazzle

It would have been a better subject title if I could have found a word for "mail" that rhymed with "dazzle", wouldn't it? But try to find one. Yeah, go ahead!

Anyway, I just got some postage stamps today....

You're thinking, yeah, so what?

Well, they're not just ordinary postage stamps. I got some postage stamps no one else in the entire world has. What's so special about my stamps, you ask? They have my artwork on them. :)

I got them printed up on Zazzle. Take a look!

Of course, there are lots of sites where I can have my wildlife art printed on coffee mugs, calendars, etc. But those things don't go anywhere where other people besides my immediate friends and family will see them.

These are real stamps I can use on real mail. Isn't that cool? :)

Of course it's not limited to artowork. Any image at all (well, within reason) can be uploaded nad turned into a postage stamp. Do you have an upcoming wedding? Send invitations with postage featuring the happy couple! When it comes time for mailing Christma cards send your cards this year featuring the happy face of your child opening gifts or sitting on Santa's lap.

Fore more info click on the Zazzle logo below.

In association with


  1. I came here from the Wet Canvas site. Your paintings are so good, and your stamps are wonderful.
    Here in South Africa, when you post a letter your pretty well sure that anything enclosed within the envelope will be stolen before you see it. However, most cases they leave the stamp on the envelope. So, for us it would be a very nice international gift idea.

    Ours is more like "Ghost Post" as we seldom see it. It's more like an urban legend.

    Regards Bob

  2. Excellent! Your image is perfect for a stamp. Some good ideas, too.
